API keys


Once your account manager has completed the account provisioning, you can proceed to create API keys for your integration. These keys serve as a means of authentication, allowing a secure connection between your system and our platform.

API keys are configured separately for both "Staging" and "Production" environments. Read more about Environments here.

Getting started

  1. Go to Hub and click on Settings page
  2. On the left side of the page, your current API keys are displayed
  3. Click the "+" button
  4. Enter the name of the API key to help you identify the key

Once you've generated your API key, you can quickly verify it via the /whoami API.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" https://api.printedapi.com/1.0/whoami
https -A bearer -a <your-token> https://api.printedapi.com/1.0/whoami

Congratulations! You've now successfully created your API key and received a successful response back from our API.