

Webhooks submit real-time user data to your own HTTP endpoints. A Webhook is an HTTP callback: a simple event-notification using HTTP POST. A web application implementing Webhooks will POST a message to a URL when certain things happen.

Getting started

  1. Go to Hub and click on Settings page
  2. On the right side of the page, your current Webhooks are displayed
  3. Click the "+" button
  4. Add the URL you would like to receive Webhooks to
  5. If you require authentication, add in a shared secret
Note: To assist with developing your integration with PrintedDirect webhooks, we recommend using a tool similar to Request Bin. This will allow you to fully inspect the headers and payload of our webhooks prior to integrating.


PrintedDirect dispatches webhooks for different actions, such as when Jobs progress through the system, or when a JobBatch is dispatched.

PrintedDirect does not currently allow subscribing to specific actions at this time. This means you will receive a webhook for every action that has a webhook defined for it.

To view the actions that PrintedDirect sends, with example payloads, see the Actions page.

Webhook timeouts

When receiving a webhook, your service must respond within 10 seconds or PrintedDirect will log this is a timeout error.

PrintedDirect does not currently retry failed webhooks at this time.



If you want to authenticate the requests being sent to your webhook endpoint, you can specify a shared secret when creating your webhook. Once provided, PrintedDirect signs your requests using the shared secret and the body of the request, and add that as the X-Signature header. PrintedDirect calculates a SHA256 digest using the shared secret and the JSON-stringified body of the request.

An example of how one might authenticate the requests would be:

const signature = req.headers['x-signature'];
const digest = crypto
    .createHmac('sha1', settings.sharedSecret)
    .update(new Buffer(JSON.stringify(req.body), 'utf-8'))

if (signature === digest) {
    // payload verified.

SSL certificates

PrintedDirect webhooks are incompatible with self-signed certificates. If we detect a self-signed certificate, it will generate an error, preventing any requests from being sent.


PrintedDirect does not currently support retrying failed webhooks. This is on our roadmap for future improvements.